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Friday, April 30, 2010


So what is space? Is space the distance between two objects, is it nothing, or is it something more. Space is sometimes called the final frontier, but technically, it was one of the first things our ancient ancestors discovered. In my book space is classified as nothing. That is, having nothing there. But is it really just nothing? No, it isn't, if you think about it, space is something, just like how our ancestors thought air didn't exist, then cells, diseases, the works. Cells were technically only discovered 345 years ago in 1665. Diseases were not discovered until the 1660's and not proven to affect diseases until 210 years later in the 1870's. If I am the first(and I am almost certain I am not) one to think this, then according to history it won't be proved for at least another 100 years, whether I be proved wrong or right, it makes no difference to me, at least I thought about it. In outer space, there are no molecules or even atoms for that matter besides the occasional particle of dust or trash, but not a constant amount everywhere of something, but if it has nothing there, does it exist? Yes, no, who can say. That is one of those deeply philosophical questions that really has no answer, some say that it was created by God and therefore exists. Some say that there is no God and that it doesn't exist and that it is just empty non-existing space left after the Big-Bang. Others think that it exists but at the same time has no physical presence in our dimension/universe/world and that it has some other Godly presence that we cannot yet comprehend. I personally believe that it does exist, but has no actually physical make-up and thereby we don't know what to make of it. We can't wrap our minds around the idea of a something that doesn't exist but does in an empty presence, and really, how can we ever tell if it is? There's no way of knowing, we can't comprehend it, it's like trying to play football as a quadriplegic, or move your entire face in perfect sync with Bell's Palsy, see Bells Palsy for more info. It just isn't possible. One thing that I believe is that space is just the inside of a large container. No, physical things cannot be infinite. I just don' think that it can. Space has to have an edge somewhere, doesn't it? Without an edge than wouldn't it continue to expand and so would we without ever realizing it. After all, energy and atoms and whatnot cannot be created, it can manipulated, but not created. Eventually we would all split apart and never realize it until a few seconds before it happens. That edge would be some sort of barrier, physical, mental, Godly, I don't know, call it what you feel. But it prevents expansion to a certain limit. What that barrier does it prevents this area to expand more while allowing the other side to become a whole new dimension of sorts. Once that dimension reaches a certain point it creates a whole new border and new dimension forms. This is constantly going on and never stops. But anyways I'm done with philosophical questions, so if you want more information just comment and I will respond as soon as possible.