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Saturday, May 1, 2010

My Theory on Emotions

Life is a strange thing, constantly switching back and forth between good and bad. Sometimes it was just boring, old, sad, happy, enjoyable, or just plain old horrible. I have theory for this. I call it the Hormonal Radiation Theory. Your emotions can be released by certain hormones; these hormones can be released by certain things. I think your emotional hormones are triggered by a certain radiation given off by certain things; these things can have different reactions based on your human preference. Like the sun can brighten your day by releasing a certain hormone that triggers you’re emotion of being happy. But in can also have a different reaction in your body. It can taint your day, or make you anti-social. This then makes you give off a certain radiation or atmosphere that triggers other’s hormones and can have the same effect as you or an entirely different reaction. I once knew a girl that would always make me unhappy, she didn’t do anything, but when I was around her I was upset. But when I was around a different kid, he didn’t do anything different than the girl, but I was happy. Some people say that who you hang-out with can change you. I believe that but also go further and say that you don’t just even have to hang-out with them, you just have to be around them.
As you may have noticed, I use Wikipedia a lot. I give credit to them for the definitions. The cells that release the hormone could be activated by the radiation. The cells that are affected by the hormone could transfer the effect to the brain which makes you experience emotions. An emotion is just the physiological state that makes you experience a wide variety of feelings, behavior and thought. These could be triggered by the hormones released by the radiation, like I stated earlier. The cells affected by the radiation could give off there own radiation that might be different than the beginning radiation. The radiation might be the same, also. The cell’s reaction with the radiation is different for everything. Radiation is described as when energy is emitted from one body and passes through a medium or space. The radiation that is involved with my theory is, n my opinion, as strong as or stronger than gamma radiation. But the radiation can never be tested because everything emits radiation. Dark, light, sun, moon, lead, paper, people, animals, computers, ink, anything that exists gives off its own hormonal radiation, so testing it could be possible because in order to test it you have to pass it through something but everything gives off it’s own radiation, so you would end up getting the first radiation mixed with the second radiation unless you know how to test it, that is even if we have something that can pick up this type of radiation.

To test:
Taint Radiation A and keep sample
Get sample of Radiation B, keep sample
Pass radiation through lead, lesser metal, or lesser element
Separate Radiation B and A, if any A Radiation on opposite side, than it passed through
If it does not pass through, use lesser metal or element

Any questions just comment on this post and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

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